Awk program: addhex

This Awk program will parse a file full of hexadecimal strings, converting the numbers to decimal, and giving a total.

#!/usr/bin/env -S awk -f
# addhex - adds hex numbers.
# addhex is Copyright Daniel K. Allen, 2023.
# All rights reserved.
# 12 Jul 2023 - Created by Dan Allen. (9:14:20 MDT,43.51056,112.01814)
# 13 Jul 2023 - Uses hex2decimal(), and supports many numbers per line.

  sum = n = 0
  a["0"] = 0; a["1"] = 1; a["2"] = 2; a["3"] = 3; a["4"] = 4; a["5"] = 5
  a["6"] = 6; a["7"] = 7; a["8"] = 8; a["9"] = 9; a["A"] = 10; a["B"] = 11
  a["C"] = 12; a["D"] = 13; a["E"] = 14; a["F"] = 15; a["a"] = 10
  a["b"] = 11; a["c"] = 12; a["d"] = 13; a["e"] = 14; a["f"] = 15   

  for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) {
    sub(/^\$/,"",$i) # remove leading dollar signs
    sub(/^0x/,"",$i) # remove leading hex indicator
    if ($i !~ /^[0-9A-Fa-f]+$/) next # skip non-hex lines
    x = hex2decimal($i)
    printf("%8s --> %10d\n",$i,x)
    sum += x

  if (n > 0)
    printf("%08x --> %10d SUM   %.2f AVG   %d N\n",sum,sum,sum/n,n)

function hex2decimal(x,  d,i,n,v) # hex string to decimal integer
  d = 0; n = length(x)
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    v = a[substr(x,n-i,1)]
    d += v * 16^i
  return d 

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Created:  13 Jul 2023
Modified: 14 Jul 2024